
children eye care

Eye checks tailored for each child to make it as fun and stress-free as possible. Children’s frames designed for facial characteristics. Infants to teenagers.

Eyesight is precious and none more so than that of our children.

The majority of development of the eyes and the visual processing system occurs before the age of nine. Children are not always aware if they have a problem with their eyes or vision, they think what they see is the same as everyone else. They do not know how the world should look so it falls to their parents to ensure that their visual system is given the best opportunity to develop to its full potential. The best way to ensure this is by bringing them to an Optometrist for regular eye checks from pre-school age, or earlier if you have concerns or family history of eye problems such as amblyopia (lazy eye) or strabismus (eye turn/squint). Don’t worry if your child can not read yet as we have pictures and other fun ways of checking their eyes.

Our eye check is tailored for each child to make it as fun and stress free as possible. As well as checking children’s eye sight and eye health, we have several ranges of frames specifically for children. Our children’s ranges are specifically designed for children’s facial characteristics so they will not affect the development or their nose and ensure they are looking through the lenses correctly. We have frames suitable for children from a few weeks old to teenagers that both children and parents will approve of.


As well as the standard eye examination we, at the Stamford Eye Clinic can offer additional tests to ensure that children have the best, most comfortable vision possible.

We also offer a protective children’s range of sports spectacles, appropriate for contact sports such as Rugby, Hockey etc. as well as racket sports such as Tennis or Squash, not forgetting prescription swimming goggles. Furthermore contact lenses are an option as a vocational wear for all ages.

 We look forward to taking care of your children’s eyes.

Please call us on 01780 767403 to book an appointment or email us

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