
Contact Lenses | Stamford

Huge range of contact lenses available at The Stamford Eye Clinic to suit your needs. Shop brands such as Johnson & Johnson Acuvue, Air Optix, Proclear.

 If there are ever times when you want to be able to see without wearing your glasses, contact lenses are the answer. We believe that there is a suitable contact lens for almost everyone who needs a prescription and doesn’t want to wear glasses full time.

Contact lenses are available for myopia (short sightedness), hyperopia (long sightedness), astigmatism (rugby ball shaped eyes) and presbyopia (a prescription for reading which is different to your long distance vision). Also coloured lenses for cosmetic looks.

The Stamford Eye Clinic is an independent optician and so we are not limited to using particular brands of contact lenses.  We have access to a huge range of contact lens manufacturers to enable us find the right lens to meet your needs. Including famous brands such as Johnson & Johnson Acuvue, Ciba Vision All Day Comfort, Freshlook Colours & Air Optix, Proclear to mention a few.

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